Construction of the southern approach road to Cua Dai Bridge in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province together with relevant works on the route such as: water channel on both sides, RC slab culverts, box culverts, RC drainage across the road, mobile vehicle load weighing station, bus stops, traffic safety system, lighting, reinforce the road slopes …
Cement-soil pile for soft soil treatment
Construction works
The road’s view from the Cua Dai bridge
Final road in use
Project: HA/W2: The southern approach road to Cua Dai Bridge in Hoi An – Urban Environment & Climate Change Adaptation Project in Hoi An City – ADB
• Location: Hoi An city, Quang Nam province, Vietnam
• Sponsor: Asian Development Bank (ABD)
Reference article: Thông xe tuyến đường dẫn cầu Cửa Đại Nam Hội An