Second Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project (TIIGP2) – Quang Binh Province

Project: Second Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project (TIIGP2) – Quang Binh province
Location: Quang Binh province
Funded by: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
– Detailed design, adjustment of Investment Policy & feasibility study report (10/2021-8/2022)
– Construction of various buidings, water supply & drainage, electrical, mechanical, road, bridge, whaft and other technical infrastructures (10/2021-6/2024)
– Social, environmental & financial consulting (10/2021-6/2024)

Second Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project (TIIGP2) – Quang Binh province: Nhat Le – Long Dai River and Road Improvements includes 4 riverside sites in Nhat Le and Long Dai River valley. Nhat Le River is in Dong Hoi City and Long Dai River flows through Quan Hau, Long Dai and Than Dinh in Quang Ninh District.

  • Site survey and/or investigation, detailed engineering designs, cost estimates and author supervision during construction
  • Preparation of bidding documents and procurement process assistance:
  • Environmental and social safeguards updating, monitoring and compliance
  • Support the PMU in project management
  • Public private partnership arrangements for operations of project supported facilities.

1. Project Construction of Nhat Le pier and Truong Phap road expansion: consists of (a) improve the riverside road to DBST condition, with dual carriageways and footpaths; (b) riverside park to incorporate flood protection and recreation/parkland, footpaths, public toilets meeting ASEAN Public Toilet Standard, lighting, vehicle parking, and ferry access; (c) riverbank protection; (d) concrete boat pier with capacity for boats, ticketing/waiting areas, retail kiosks, and sanitation; and (e) Expansion of Truong Phap road.

Works on Nhat Le pier

Truong Phap road expansion works

2. Project Quan Hau pier: consists of (a) new riverside recreation area, incorporating the existing war memorial and facilities to support river boat racing festivals, landscaped green space, service buildings, public toilets meeting ASEAN Public Toilet Standard, and vehicle parking; and (b) new concrete boat pier with capacity for boats, ticketing/waiting areas, retail kiosks, and sanitation.

Construction at Quan Hau Pier
Survey at Quan Hau Pier


3. Project Long Dai pier: new RC boat landing with RC bore piles, buoy system, signaling, lighting and footpath to Long Dai Memorial Temple.

Surveying works at Long Dai Pier

Service House construction at Long Dai Pier

4. Project Than Dinh pier: (a) construct a pier for small boats; (b) provide ticketing/waiting area, public toilets meeting ASEAN Public Toilet Standard and vehicular parking across from the new pier; (c) rehabilitate Than Dinh mountain steps; (d) resurface Truong Xuan commune access road (carriageway and side drains) to concrete condition; (e) construct a new wide river bridge at Truong Xuan Commune with adequate headroom for tourist boats; (f) set up the electric lighting system for the road from Ho Chi Minh road to Than Dinh mountain.

Drilling survey at Than Dinh Mountain Pier and Service House construction at Than Dinh Mountain Pier

Service House construction at Than Dinh Mountain Pier

5. Project Rao Da bridge: with RC bore piles, RC pre-stressed super structures, stainless steel handrails.

Drilling survey works at Rao Da bridge


Rao Da’ construction works: steel bar work for Rao Da’s pier and beam

6. Connecting Road to toe of Than Dinh Mountain: upgrading existing road from Ho Chi Minh National highway to toe of Thanh Dinh Mountain with renewal road’s surfaces, intersection roads, lighting and traffic signal system

7. Steps for walking path from toe to top of Than Dinh Mountain: Building rest huts in the form of a landing platform (the columns on the floor and roof have not yet been built). Installing stair railings along the route and lighting system

Foundation works and construction works for steps and handrails

8. Environmental, Social & Gender Consultation Meetings and Trainings: Meetings and Trainings regarding Environmental, Social & Gender activities

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